Registration and Team Rules:

- Coed quads will consist of 2 male players and 2 female players. No other combination will be accepted. *In special circumstances and with league director (LD) approval, teams may play with 3 players in a limited and temporary capacity.*

.- Teams can register 4 - 6 players per roster.-Each team is allowed 1 substitution per set for injury/medical, or for extenuating circumstances. No other substitutions will be allowed. *In the case where teams have more than 4 players registered, teams must designate 4 on-court players per set. Teams may switch players for each separate set but not during gameplay (except in the 1 allowed substitution described above).*

-Recreation division will be allowed unlimited substitutions.

-Every player must sign a waiver to play. Additionally, minors (anyone under the age of 18) must have parental waiver signed.

-All registration fees must be paid in full prior to League start day.

Game Play Rules:

CVA Volleyball League will mostly follow AVP (Association for Volleyball Professionals) definition for Rules and Guidelines. For a full review of rules, please see AVP RuleBook 2020.

- Outdoor rules will mostly follow AVP beach volleyball rules including open hand tips, doubles, lifts, “side-setting”, rotations, etc.

- *All rules will be enforced for competitive divisions.*

- *Recreation division will not enforce double contact rule.*

- Rotations: Service order must be maintained. However, there are no rotation or positional rules that must be followed. All players are considered ‘front row players’ and may attack/block.

- No Coed Rule.

- No enforced “coed rule” (in every 2+ contact a female must contact the ball or it is a fault).

- Double touch: This includes a non-simultaneous contact on the ball by one player at a single time. Although spin on the ball can be one indication of a double, a double is not determined by the ball’s spin; it is determined by the contact. *The first contact on the ball MUST be clean. Therefore, it is typically advised not to pass the serve with a player’s hands (the setting motion)*

- *Recreation division will not enforce double contact faults.*

- Side-set: f a player sets the ball over the net, the player must be square to where the ball is set. No other setting motion over the net is allowed.

- Lifts: Any ball that comes to rest is considered a lift. This includes “deep dish” sets, lifting the ball from behind the head and moving forward, or any other long contact.

- Open hand tips: Open hand tips are not allowed. This includes redirecting the ball as it crosses the net (excluding block redirects which are allowed). Stiff finger pokes or knuckles is the encouraged skill to use.

- Blocking and block redirects: Dissimilar to outdoor rules (and similar to indoor), the block does not count as a touch in CVA quads. Redirects on the block contact are allowed (so long as the ball does not come to rest, as in a lifted contact). This can be done with one or two hands. As long as it is a block contact (first contact above the height of the net) it is not considered an open hand tip.-Net faults. All net touches are considered a fault and will be strictly enforced. Hair is not considered a touch.

- Under the net: Players are allowed to go under the net freely as long as it does not interfere with the other team’s pursuit of the ball and they do not make contact with other players.

- Service Foot Faults: Players must serve the ball from behind the endline. If jump serving, they must fully take off behind the line but are permitted to land in front of it. If any part of the foot comes in contact with the boundary line, it is considered a foot fault.

- Time outs: Each team will have one 30s time out they may elect to use per set.Court size and equipment:-Quads will be played on a Mens (7’ 11 5/8”) Height net.

- Court size dimensions will be 30’ x 30’.-Where available, antenna will be provided (but may not be).

- All games will be played with the Wilson Optx or Wilson Official game ball only. Game balls will be provided by the league.

- Shoes may or may not be worn. *Cleats or shoes with similar features are not allowed during game play*

- No jersey or uniforms are required.